WTD 2022 Snacks & Crafts
Snacks: Bongo Snack (Fiji), Germany (Pretzels), Greece (Ouzo Candy),
Iceland (Blue Ice Rock Candy), Israel (Halva), Italy (Nutella), Nigeria (Chin Chin Cookies), Switzerland (Truffle)
Use the model magic to make your pig! Once dry you can color it! Click on the picture for instructions.
(WTD BAG OPTION) Use the Henna provided and try your hand at some designs! You may need an adult. Click on the picture for instructions.
(WTD BAG OPTION) Learn about Japanese Kokeshi Dolls and use the Wooden Body design and create your own! Click on the picture for instructions.
(WTD BAG OPTION) Click on the picture to learn about Panamanian Molas. Use your paper or felt to create a design
(WTD BAG OPTION) Use the provided wooden shape to create your own Dala horse! Click on the image for instructions.
(WTD BAG OPTION) Use the samples provided and see if you can fold the knots! You may need an adult. Click on the picture for instructions.
(WTD BAG OPTION) Click the picture for instructions. You can use the Pom Beads, Straws and Construction Paper provided as (some) of your materials for this craft.