March 22 - 24, 2019
Join old & new friends at our annual weekend of fun for girls! Activities are in place. Meals are prepared for you. Girls earn a badge. We sleep indoors with indoor plumbing. Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors lead the Juniors & Brownies in activities, while adults connect with each other. This is a great opportunity for Juniors/Brownies to see the CSAs in action and inspire them to continue along the Girl Scout path.
Location: Camp Lakamaga (12303 Lakamaga Trail N, Marine on St Croix, MN 55047)
Dates: Mar 22 - 24; Based on age, attendees may choose a 1 or 2 night option
Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors stay 2 nights
Junior Troops may stay 1 or 2 nights
Brownie Troops stay Saturday night only
2 nights: $40 per girl, $20 per adult
1 night: $35 per girl, $15 per adult