CSA Camp Out

A fun weekend for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. 100% of the leaders agree - the 2017 CSA Camp Out was easy on the leaders and fun for the girls! 100% of the CSA (cadette, senior, ambassador) campers agree - the 2017 CSA Camp Out was super fun and relaxing! If your troop has never been tent camping... this camp is for you! We provide tents & all cooking equipment plus experienced adults to help you. If your troop is experienced at camping, come relax and learn new skills. Enjoy archery, kayaking, biking, hiking, gaga ball, or just sitting around a campfire. Girls choose what they want to do!
Fri Sep 14 2018 23:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
$18.00 per scout/adults free
Payment Information
A non-refundable $15 troop deposit holds spots for your scouts. Final payment is due August 17, 2018. Electronic and check payments accepted.
Camp Lakamaga